
All of the Out of Hours Club Rutland's policies and rules are in
Easy Read Format and are available if you contact us by completing the form on our contact page
Privacy Policy
Out of Hours Club Rutland is providing you with this information as part of our ongoing compliance with recent changes to the law, and to make sure we are clear and honest about your privacy when using our website http://outofhoursclubrutland.co.uk/
We take the privacy of people who visit our web site seriously. We have written this Privacy Policy to let you know what information we collect and how that information is used. By accessing this website (outofhoursclubrutland.co.uk), you acknowledge the terms and conditions below:
What information is collected, and why?
When a user visits our website, we collect information about the visit that does not identify the user personally. We track information such as the domain from which the user is visiting and the user's browser type. We also collect specific information regarding the user's session on our website. This includes items such as the date and time of the visit and the pages viewed. We do this by using 'cookies' - see below for more information.
How is the information used?
Non-personally identifiable information is collected to allow us to analyze how our website is used and to improve the content and service the website provides.

Personally Provided Information
Out of Hours Club Rutland collects personally identifiable information which the user gives us via email, using the contact form on this website or via telephone in order for us to make contact with the user via telephone, email, or mail correspondence to provide information about new services, or important website changes. Out of Hours Club Rutland will never share this information with other businesses or organisations.
Cookies Policy
Out of Hours Club Rutland website is hosted by Vistaprint and they only use cookies on our website which does not harm your device. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and many major websites use them to provide useful features for their customers.
The cookies used by Vistaprint are used to count the number of unique visitors, date and time of the visit and the pages viewed so that Vistaprint can report that figure back to us at Out of Hours Club Rutland. These cookies are not used for anything else beyond this. It does not use or store any personally identifiable information and other companies who uses Vistaprint websites like ours, also uses similar type of cookies.
If we do store any personally identifiable information, we obtained that information from you directly as you would have provided it to us via our website and/or emailed it to us and we would only use it for the purposes outlined above in this Cookies and Privacy Policy. All the information gathered from cookies are secure. For more about this please visit https://www.vistaprint.co.uk/customer-care/cookies-and-privacy.aspx

Links to Other Sites
Out of Hours Club Rutland website contains links to other websites which are outside our control and not covered by this policy. The operators of these sites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their policy, which may differ from ours. Please also note that we are not responsible for any of the content of the external websites named Cookie Policy.
Other Policies
Out of Hours Club Rutland abides by several other policies which are available on written request by clicking here
Some of these are:-
Code of Conduct for Committee Members
Code of Conduct for Leaders
Equal Opportunities
Photograph and Video
Privacy Notice
Rules for Members
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Social Media